Buena Park, CA – June 2010 … Based in Southern California, Jugulur is a 5-piece groove metal band consisting of Justus and Judge on lead vocals, Preacher (guitars and vocals), Monster (bass, vocals, and noises), and Beast behind the drums. Metal for the Masses best summarizes the band’s focus and Monster, whose musical contribution carries tons of attitude, also happens to be the band’s spokesperson. Monster recently re-wired his pedal board setup and, to ensure all was handled with the utmost expertise and the finest cable available, he took advantage of Zaolla Silverline’s custom shop and had much to say after-the-fact.
Though not necessarily common knowledge, Zaolla Silverline offers a unique service whereby artists on the company’s endorsee roster can choose to have their rigs custom wired with the company’s Artist 500 Series cables. The process, which consists of five parts: (1) system cable measurements, (2) cables built to length and specification, (3) system re-wire with new cables, (4) final system adjustments/terminations, and (5) play test, ensures the equipment in question is professionally interconnected—enabling both the artist and the equipment to perform at full throttle without the slightest hiccup.
Monster described his first Zaolla Silverline encounter and how his relationship with the company came about. “I first met Jonathan Pusey (Zaolla Silverline’s Director of Sales and Marketing) and had an opportunity to try the Zaolla Silverline cables at last year’s Bass Player Live mini-tradeshow in Los Angeles,” Monster recalls. “The moment I auditioned the cable, I fell in love with it. The sound I heard was awesome. From that point on, Jonathan and I kept in touch. When Jonathan later informed me of the company’s custom shop, I couldn’t resist. I’m running three pedal boards and the thought of re-wiring the setup myself was more than I could deal with. By contrast, the Zaolla Silverline folks are pros at this sort of thing and are well equipped to handle the project. So I thought to myself, ‘Why not take advantage of the service?’”
Beyond the initial trip to company headquarters and the return trip to actually have the system interconnected, Monster reports the entire process was extremely efficient. “The measuring of all the cables took roughly 1.5 hours,” he notes, “and the actual re-wiring of the system took about 2 hours more. Had I tried to do this myself, I would have spent a small fortune on tools; only to drive myself crazy trying to get it all done—and even then, the actual system wouldn’t be anywhere as clean and professionally assembled as it is now.”
When queried about those qualities of Zaolla Silverline cables that prompted him to wire his entire pedal board with it, Monster offered the following, “Zaolla Silverline cables are the cables that all other cables wish they could be. Since using them, my sound has become louder, cleaner, and more distinctive. They’re also built extremely tough. I’m not exactly the easiest going type of individual when I perform. They work really well and I haven’t had a single problem with them. I like to think of them as Monster-proof.”
“Since I began using the Zaolla Silverline cables on my pedal board rig,” Monster continued, “I’m getting more highs, more lows, and my sound has a much more distinctive character with far greater presence. For those who don’t think that cables make that much of a difference, I’m here to tell you they make a tremendous difference. Wow!”
As he prepared for the band’s next gig, Monster offered a few final comments. “The entire process went really well,” he said. “The Zaolla Silverline folks really understood what I was looking to accomplish. Since the job was completed, my noises—as I like to refer to them—have considerably greater strength. The brutality of my sound has gotten a lot sharper. I’d highly recommend this service to anyone looking to get their setups properly cabled together. These cables are truly 100% alien technology. Best of all, they can handle 100% of Monster’s brutality.”
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