A new Bosch DCN-NG (Digital Congress Network - Next Generation) installation is providing a perfect balance of form and functionality at the renovated County of Hawaii Council Chambers in Hilo, Hawaii. Featuring Bosch’s unique DCN flush-mounted desktop consoles and accessories, the system provides the county’s lawmakers with user-friendly flexibility for communication and voting at council meetings, all with software-controlled display monitor interfacing and videoconferencing capability.
The Bosch system’s low-profile hardware compliments the newly renovated space perfectly. 10 positions are equipped with DCN flush-mounted units mounted to a custom Koa wood counter on a dais (for eight delegates, one chairman and one clerk), with two additional discussion units (one for the assistant, one for the witness). All eight delegate positions are equipped with a loudspeaker, a microphone with on/off switch, and a voting unit.
Beyond the eight delegate positions, the chairman’s position has additional features, including a priority button to mute active microphones temporarily or permanently. The clerk’s system is the same as a delegate’s, but does not have voting capabilities. Instead, the clerk is responsible for controlling the system via the DCN-SWSMV software on his or her laptop. Tasks include initiating voting (voting results are then displayed in real time in PowerPoint on the desktop monitors and displays in the chamber), turning delegates mics on or off if necessary, and managing the DCN-MR (meeting recorder software). The software also allows the clerk to transfer all these responsibilities to another workstation.